OLPH Alumni Association
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School was established in 1933, and graduated its first class in 1936. Since that time, over 3000 graduates have received diplomas, passing on to higher education. Each and every one of these graduates is considered a part of the OLPH Alumni Association.
Development Department
Established ten years ago, the OLPH Development office is the main communication vehicle for the alumni, parents and students of the OLPH Community. The Development Office solicits funds for the benefit of the school through the annual auction, the Mahoney Family Scholarship Fund, the Mary Louise Ferrari Building Improvement Fund and through the generosity of various public grants and foundations.
Perpetual Light Newsletter
Published through the Development Department, the "Perpetual Light" is a newsletter that is currently mailed out three times a year to alumni, parents and students of the OLPH community, most recently updated for winter 2024. It also appears on-line and past issues can be accessed here. If you, or someone you know, would like to be placed on our mailing list, please send along your name and address to the development office.
The main fundraiser supported by alumni and friends of OLPH, the annual auction is held on the second Saturday of March. Tickets are available during February, through the school Development Office. Please call the school for more information at (650) 755-4438.
Annual Giving Programs
Mahoney Family Scholarship Fund was first named in honor of Lorraine Mahoney, the mother of OLPH graduates, John '56 and Ed Mahoney '61. Since the passing of her husband and of son, Ed, the Fund took on the name of "Mahoney Family Scholarship". Since it was established in 2004, over $200,000 has been raised in support of scholarships for OLPH families. When a person donates in the name of a deceased loved one, that person's name is written in our Memorial Book, which is carried into church and placed on the altar of every mass and liturgical services celebrated during the school year.
Ferrari Building Fund was established in 2007 and is named in honor of Mary Louise Ferrari, wife of Andrew Ferrari and Mother of four OLPH graduates: Cathy '70 (Steve) Lagomarsino, Jayne '72 (James) Ferrari, John '76 (Natalie) Ferrari and Caren '78 (Scott) Severi. Tens of thousands of dollars in donations and volunteer work have led to many school improvements including installing new energy saving lighting throughout the school, re-painting of various areas of the building, and the dedication of three trophy cases named in honor of Mrs. Ferrari. Future donations to this fund may be sent to the Development Department marked "Ferrari Improvement". the altar of every mass and liturgical services celebrated during the school year.
Adopt-a-student Fund directly subsidizes the tuition of worthy families during times of financial or other personal tragedy.
Fr. Antonio Padilla Community Service Award is presented annually at the school graduation to an alumnus, parent or volunteer who exhibits special support or service to the OLPH Parish Community.
Former Award Winners:
2004- Rev. Antonio Petilla
2005- Rosemary "Rhody" Valente '43
2006- Sonia Aquino
2007- Edward Mahoney '61
2008- Robert Brugioni '53
2009- Fr. Joseph Gordon '59
2010- Andrew Ferrari
2011- Arlene Castillo
2012- William Voris
2013- Allen Menicucci '45
2014- William Kovacich
2015- Sr. Philomene Golonka
2016- Mary Lucett
2017- Corrine Muscat
2018- James Pagan
2021 - Angelo Marquez
2022- Chrissy Leggero
James Costello Service to Students Award is presented annually at the school graduation to an alumnus, parent, teacher, or coach who exhibits special services to the students of OLPH School.
Former Award Winners:
2004- Sr. Philomene Golonka
2005- Mary Lucett
2006- Ivan and Juana Acosta
2007- Sheila Ortega
2008- William Kovacich
2009- Anne Gazzano
2010- Omar Larrea
2011- Jillian Ramos-Perez
2012- Hanh Koh
2013- Ruben and Michelle '77 Nunez
2014- Joan Waters
2015- Thomas Pisani
2016- Socorro Barreras
2017- Corrine Muscat
2018- Richard Stack, Darling Foundation
2019- Sindy Guardado
2021- Katie Franco
2022- Jean Sanchez
All correspondence for the OLPH Development Office should be sent to:
OLPH Development Office
80 Wellington Avenue
Daly City, CA 94014
email: info@olphdc.org
School phone: (650) 755-4438
Fax: (650) 755-7366